Ferrule - AI 1,5 - 8 BK-B

3201398https://dam-mdc.phoenixcontact.com/rendition/156443151564/a131a2d1f8a20d459b12665770f30917/-FJPG-B408?_gl=1*mves17*_ga*MzkzOTYzMzczLjE2Mzc2NjY5NTk.*_ga_NQVH8MSFerrules, 1.5 mm², taped, sleeve length: 8 mm, with plastic collar, galvanically tin-plated, color: black, color range according to DIN 46228-4, CSA-certified
Stock Code: 3201398
2000 In Stock for despatch
2.23£1.86 (exc VAT) per 100
£2.23 (inc VAT)
Quantity: - +
Ferrules, 1.5 mm², taped, sleeve length: 8 mm, with plastic collar, galvanically tin-plated, color: black, color range according to DIN 46228-4, CSA-certified

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